Tuesday, August 28, 2007

what a sad story!!

Ngatikaura, 3 years old boy, he was a happy boy, he was loved and cared by step parents, he was one of the lucky boy in New Zealand, I believed. He liked to sing and play like other children. Until November 2005, things in his life changed. That was before anti-smacking bill has launched. Since then, he had moved to live with his birth parents and after that 3 months he passed away. Who would believe that only took them 3 months to kill their own child? He was beaten and smacked with a vacuum pipe and a baseball bat. More than 50 bruces on his body, the nurse had to stop counting. Full story of Ngatikaura So sad ....to hear that birth parents treated their own child like an animal. I’m a mother of one and a half year old boy myself. I was so sad and depressed to hear this story was actually happening in New Zealand. I feel so happy that the government had set out the Anti-smacking bill , smacking children has become too far to control in New Zealand. We should have a better way to discipline our children, don't we? Anyone got some ideas about this?


christel said...

Heehaa Jan,

So ur blog is on the road. Look forward to reading all of it and think it's a very relevant topic.

The death penalty might be too lenient for the parents of the boy u r mentioning. Had a look at the photos that u forwarded and am sure they must have been under the influence of drugs - no human can be that cruel.

R u using Te re Maori in ur title? My seminar group in Reading Pacifica has recently done a presentation on Cook Isle literature and we studied Raratongan and ketes etc. It was very interesting and I want to visit it on a 10 day vacation with my family during the summer break.


christel said...

Hi Jan,

Yes, the Anti-smacking Bill. Am not a great fan - not because I think it's the right thing to do -"Time out" is much more effective anyway - but because I was suspicious of the politician who pushed this bill through parliament. The child abuse issue has unfortunately taken on a racist life of its own in NZ. Personally I think that is a pity. What do u think? One of the biggest problems seems to b the identification of child abuse within communities - and it has nothing to do with race. Would u like to apprehend ur neighbours re their crying child? I would feel "wierd" to do so and that I am intruding on personal space. It seems that we r to change our mindset. After all, a monster who abuses a child can also kick his pets and abuse his partner or mother. Have a nice break. Cul8r.

Kirsty said...

It is really sad story. i can't believe birth parents did to their children. There is Korean program which is called 'SOS'. It helps people who suffer from their parents. . Most of parents who keep hitting for no reason or crying are alcoholic. It's serious issue.

Chie said...

Hi Jan, this is serious topic and a sad story. I saw thousands of this kind of news in Japan but the government still has not done anyghing for it. I respect this decision of NZ to go action to protect children. Here is a guestion, is there any countries which have a law already like 'Anti-smacking Bill'?

Jan said...

hi Chie

To answer your question, yes there are countries in Northern Europe where their government has set out the anti smacking bill except England. There are countries like Sweden, German, Holland, etc.